From its humble beginnings in 2019 as a traditional interior design agency in Douala, Cameroon, KEBE HOME has grown into KEBE GROUP an African Laboratoire d'intérieurs.
KEBE is an African label providing culture-infused design created with an intention: to allow everyone to reach their full potential being inspired every day by creative collaborations.
Inspired by its founder personal values and a deep conviction that the fruits are in the roots, KEBE want to celebrate how culture gave us a unique identity and change the minds that change the world. Developing from a young age an eye for furniture and an appreciation of good living in its widest sense, Manuela Kamadjou has developed the brand into one that’s synonymous with simple, authentic and singular aesthetics .
We focused on responsibly finding, building and nurturing a purpose driven community of artisans and creatives to offer a local alternative with a good quality.
« Les machines ont changés notre monde... Peut etre est ce pour cela que nous soupirons en passant nos doigts sur un pot cassé; nous nous rendons à peine compte combien nos âmes meurent d'envie de s'entourer d'objets qui se souviennent des mains qui les ont faits.»
Flammes, pluies ou bouquets parfumés….
Tous parfums, trois modes de diffusions,... Un triptyque pensé comme une valse anglaise à trois temps.
Conçue comme un art de vivre, la collection d’objets olfactifs et décoratifs pour la Maison de KEBE HOME a été pensée pour offrir à votre intérieur une nouvelle dimension olfactive.
Tout en conservant l’âme et les valeurs de notre belle Maison, cette collection partage le goût des matières premières d’exception et s’inspire de souvenirs, de moments de vie et de voyages pour créer des signatures olfactives authentiques et singulières.
Un voyage olfactif n’est il pas la meilleure façon de faire résonner vos émotions?
Amplify your emotions...
Triptyque initial
Triptyque Initial est une création inspirée des grands espaces. Des compositions pour vos intérieurs à la fois puissantes et nobles pensées comme des parfums pour soi.
Choisissez la signature de vos moments de vie: raffinée et noble (Utagiri), sensuelle et mystérieuse (Halisi) ou racée et enivrante (Usahili)...
Resonance: definition:
1. Way in which a room, a body, restores sound.
2. A feeling, thought, memory, etc. that a piece of writing or music makes you have.
Music is more than just art, it's a way of life, a philosophy.
In Africa, a continent with a strong oral tradition thanks to griots and poets, singing and instruments are omnipresent in our landscape. They allow the transmission of a piece of heritage, creating harmony and cultural identity. It can be a faithful translator of the emotions of the people, a real sounding board for the culture of a country but also a formidable tool of transmission...
The name of this collection translates harmony, tranquility, the perfect connection between oneself and one's environment.
It testifies to the beauty of the oral tradition.
Voice to voice, heart to heart
Amplify your emotions...
The Resonance Collection
It feels as if you're holding nature in your hands....
The idea for this collection was borned after Manuela regularly struggled to source kitchen styling products that complemented her finished projects, while also offering the product quality her clients expected.
As we were designing the Collection, we wanted to do something to balance the scale. That is why, a portion of your purchases of this Collection is dedicated to the training of youth and refugees, because we believe every young creative deserves the opportunity to build something beautiful, regardless of where they are from.
By simply creating a beautiful home for you and your family, we believe that You, We, can play role in making the world more just and offer economic opportunity to many.
The Cook & Back Collection
At a time when a return to basics is imperative, our home becomes a refuge area, it shows its personality through raw materials and craftmanship. A place of life where materials multiply and where nature and African Culture are everywhere.
The concept is an ode to Haute Couture, craftmanship and precious materials but always with the elegance and royalty of the African nomad in mind.
Our vibrant textures are inspired by the many cultures and natural elements of the African continent.
Each piece of this collection is a celebration of hope, serenity and joy. We bring you ethical luxury that embraces the best of craftmanship to create unique pieces that transcend time.
We hope Kebe can be a source of inspiration for anyone who loves beautiful things.
Get Inspired!